The first computer I owned was a Commodore 64. But before that, way before that (well okay, about three years before that), the first computer I spent any quality time on was the Commodore PET (aka “CBM”). I always wanted one of my own, but they were too expensive (something like £6500 in today’s money if you included the dual floppy drive, making even Apple’s M1 Max MacBook Pros look cheap!), and far too bulky. The MiniPET from Tynemouth Software solves both these problems, and is 100% compatible. And Santa brought me one for Christmas. So today I’m unboxing a MiniPet!
I won’t say too much more, cos that will spoil the excitement. Oh one crucial thing though: this is a kit. So I get to build it myself, for max excitement (but that’s for next week’s video).
If you want your own MiniPET (and why wouldn’t you?), and can forsake all those nasty C64 colours and sprites and SID tunes in favour of switchable 40/80 column text in TWO colours (count them: white AND black…) and a piezo buzzer (that’s a sounder, not some kind of pizza!) and weird chiclet keyboard, then run, don’t walk, to the project page over at Then you can have a big yellow box filled with packing peanuts and electronic goodness, and be unboxing a MiniPET of your very own…