In part 2 of our ICPUG Amiga 1200 restoration, I’m going to swap out the non-functional mechanical hard drive with a modern Compact Flash based device. Plus attempt to fix the duff Quickshot mouse, and fit the Power Computing 68882 FPU card.
in part 1 I was unsuccessful in getting the hard drive to boot, or even be recognised by the Amiga. This time I tried configuring the hard drive with both HDSetup and HDToolbox, but neither could find the hard drive. This was despite the drive making rattling noises and flashing the HD LED.

HDSetup basically just froze on clicking the Partition button. (the image above was taken after I’d cooked and eaten dinner, and watched a movie!). When I attempted to run the installer (cos you’ve got to, right?) it attempted to install it onto the Install floppy image! (I was using a Gotek plugged into the external floppy port as the boot drive)

I mostly mention this here because there was something wrong with the footage I shot, meaning it couldn’t be included in the video.
Having given up on the hard drive, the CF install was a much smoother affair, and I could turn my attention to the matters of the mouse and the FPU card. These definitely are on the video. Oh and benchmarks too!
I’d like to thank PCBWay for kindly sponsoring the video. They make awesome PCBs of all kinds from just $5. Plus they offer 3D printing and other services. Check out the link.