Minstrel 4D Kit Computer – One Day Build

The Minstrel4D is a kit computer. It’s compatible with, although not a clone of, the Jupiter Ace, a British micro computer from 1982.

The kit uses modern, readily available parts, but still maintains the feel of that 80s technology. It contains a Z80A, clocked at 3.25MHz (with a 6.5MHz turbo mode). It has 49K of RAM (including dual-ported screen memory), 12K of ROM, and it supports the RC2014 expansion bus, for a range of peripherals.

Oh and it runs FORTH. Which is interesting. And unusual.

I pre-ordered the kit back in the summer when it was announced, and it was launched and delivered just before Christmas 2022. The build is pretty straightforward – there’s lots of soldering but it’s all through-hole components. The one SMD component (the SD Card reader) comes pre-soldered to the board. The manual is clear and comprehensive. It runs to 112 pages of A5 and is printed in full colour, with stiff card covers and is spiral bound. The first 50 pages cover the build instructions. Each section is clearly laid out with colour diagrams showing component placement and orientation. The remainder of the manual is a reference, covering the theory of operation and detailed schematics.

The kit is made by Tynemouth Software, and sold through The Future Was 8-Bit.

Thanks to PCB Way for sponsoring this video. They make excellent PCBs and a whole lot more. Check them out at https://www.pcbway.com/