20 GOTO 10

It’s everybody’s first program, so why should a blog post be different? If you found this page on purpose, blimey I’m honoured. If you stumbled upon it, good on yer as the Aussies would say. Stay a while. Have a mooch around. There’s not much here yet, but there’s good coffee in the kitchen and some 85% chocolate in the cupboard.
Here we do computers. Retro computers. That’s stuff older than… well, last century basically. And computing – that’s doing stuff with computers that isn’t tinkering with their innards. Well it kinda is in a way. We do that too (the tinkering that is). I make no claims to be good at it though (but I have been a professional in both the electronics and computing industries since the mid 1980s).
Occasionally I play games. But I’m not a gamer – you could beat me at Pong (or anything else). Probably.
Anyhow, pull up a pew…