The M2 MacBook AIRmiga

AKA emulating an Amiga on the latest Apple Silicon MacBook

Everybody and his dog has been installing Amiga emulators. They’re installed on Windows PCs based on the latest Intel and AMD heat generators. They’re installed on Raspberry Pis. They’re installed on FPGAs such as the MISTer, and others. They’re installed on all sorts.

Now, I was a fan of the Big Box Amiga back in the day. I either owned or regularly used an Amiga 1000, 2000, 2500 and 3000. Yes I played a few games, but mostly I wrote software. Serious software. Proper software (that’ll probably raise a few eyebrows!). Now I don’t have a big box Amiga, but I do have several of the home/wedge machines in various states of working or otherwise. But I have very little space to keep them set up in.

So when time came to replace my old MacBook nothing (with the horrible butterfly keyboard that sucks the life out of anyone trying to type on it) with a shiny new M2 MacBook Air (“entry level MacBook outperforms Intel i9 MacBook in many tasks – Shock!”), it only seemed natural to bung an Amiga emulator on it. After all a £1500 (plus extras) computer emulating a £300 one… This is What We Do!

Sometime I’ll install a Mac emulator on the Amiga emulator. Then the circle will be complete.