Trying to fix a Battery Damaged A500+

The Amiga 500+ that came from Matt’s office (see last week’s video) did not power on. Actually that’s not strictly true; it did power on, but it didn’t boot. Instead it gave us a black screen and flashed the power LED in a particular sequence: 10 short, 1 long. So in this video we’re all about fixing the A500+.

On opening up the Amiga we discovered a leaking Varta battery. This is not unusual – these things are notorious, and battery damage is not uncommon. But this machine wasn’t too bad. Some surface corrosion near the terminals, a capacitor would certainly need to be replaced, and a couple of IC pulled and checked.

But even with the board cleaned, the traces checked and repaired, the damaged components replaced, it still wouldn’t boot. Something else was wrong. Could it be the CPU? The ROM? the outrageously expensive Agnus custom chip? We’re gonna have to diagnose the heck out of it….